What’s wrong with BCF (and its new decree re communion/’the agape meal’)?

For those not in the know, BCF & MCF are an initially potentially really solid Christian move that’s gone ultra-insular and ultra-controlling. And ultimately cult. But what is it exactly that’s bad? Well, it’s several things. Primarily, BCF and MCF have got to the point that they trust the direction of a single leader, VicContinue reading “What’s wrong with BCF (and its new decree re communion/’the agape meal’)?”

Vic Hall’s ‘Gospel of Sonship’ is heretical fan fiction

Fan fiction is of course similar stories written by fans usually continuing famous stories from beloved books and TV like Little Women or Star Trek. Well, back around 2017 I read the Book of Mormon to help my understanding of that cult. I hadn’t expected the level of similarity to the New Testament that itContinue reading “Vic Hall’s ‘Gospel of Sonship’ is heretical fan fiction”

Jesus never preached the BCF word

Think about it BCF & MCF congregants. When did Jesus ever preach the BCF word? Jesus went to great lengths in John 15-18 to explain the future to His disciples. About being linked to the true vine. About His resurrection. About the Holy Spirit. “The Holy Spirit, another helper, will guide you and bring remembranceContinue reading “Jesus never preached the BCF word”

Melbourne Christian Fellowship has become a house of psychobable

When is it that MCF (Melbourne Christian Fellowship) & BCF (Brisbane Christian a Fellowship) became houses of psychobable? Pre-1988, there always was an unnecessarily controlling element involving ‘deep and meaningfuls) and some suffered terribly under that regime. But post 1992-ish, Vic Hall brought in enormous amounts of navel-gazing and patriarchy that was simply un-Biblical. NotContinue reading “Melbourne Christian Fellowship has become a house of psychobable”

A plea to MCF congregants

We heard there’s new revelations coming from Vic Hall & BCF (Brisbane Christian Fellowship). About communion, that it should be done as a genuine meal or supper with discussion of the word. All to do with Christ being the bread of life, so maybe no need to have literal bread. These claims seem over theContinue reading “A plea to MCF congregants”

A culture of destructive presumption at MCF & BCF

Presumption is a well known sin in Christendom. But at MCF (Melbourne Christian Fellowship) they have made an art of it. Presumption is, put simply, assuming that God is 100% behind the way you are following God. It’s claiming to hear from God and being 100% sure of it. It’s assuming your way is theContinue reading “A culture of destructive presumption at MCF & BCF”

The key thing BCF/MCF & Vic Hall got wrong

Weaved into my posts here is the answer. But let’s make it clear. For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ. 2 Cor 4: 6 BCF/MCF & Vic Hall thinks thatContinue reading “The key thing BCF/MCF & Vic Hall got wrong”

Why MCF & BCF are so dangerous

I’m trying to get back to a big picture here. These cult churches are so dangerous for two main reasons: 1. They teach & practice family breakups. 2. They teach & encourage abandonment of almost all plans, desires & stewardship. Family breakups The family breakups at MCF & BCF are so ugly & cruel. OfContinue reading “Why MCF & BCF are so dangerous”

What you did to us MCF & BCF

I want to convey what it felt like to live in MCF under the BCF word direction during 1992-2016. It was hell on earth if you actually had any dreams in work or ministry. So the messenger word of Vic Hall made you feel guilty about having even the slightest ambitions. You actually gradually diedContinue reading “What you did to us MCF & BCF”

MCF & BCF vastly limited ministry by everyday congregants and destroyed our spirits

I’ve commented here and there before that MCF & BCF did away with Scriptural ‘priesthood of all believers’. But many still in these cult churches will deny it and say ‘no, we can contribute at communion meetings & home groups’. But how? Only via regurgitations of Vic Hall word direction in prophecies, testimonies & preaching.Continue reading “MCF & BCF vastly limited ministry by everyday congregants and destroyed our spirits”